05 August 2009

Why the Government Spending Binge?

On January 27, 1996, then President Clinton declared that the era of big government was over. We laugh or sigh at President Clinton's declaration now, but have you ever wondered how our Nation has devolved to the point where our politicians propose endless trains of taxing and spending programs for which we can't pay: e.g., cap-and-trade; health insurance reform; cash for clunkers; and the so-called stimulus bills? The reason today's politicians spend with impunity is that they are supported by a host of voters dependent on government largess for their existence and a sharply growing free-riding class predisposed to government handouts.

According to IRS statistics complied by the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, in 2007, the last year for which statistics are available, filers in the top 50% of AGI paid 97.11% of federal income taxes. And the top 1% of income tax payers paid more than the entire bottom 95% of income tax payers.

As startling as these numbers are, the disparity between the payers and the pay-nots is even more pronounced. From 2000 to 2006 the number of filers with no tax liability after taking credits and deductions rose by 57%, to 45.6 million filers. In 2009, it is estimated that these zero-liability returns will make up over 40% of all returns filed.

With 40% percent of "taxpayers" paying no taxes, is there any surprise these free riders care nothing about the debt-laden millstone they are fastening around the necks of current and future generations?